Tim Cooper has lived in London for most of his life. He is a successful entrepreneur having built, bought and sold advertising and marketing agencies. Like many entrepreneurs his journey has had many up and downs, but Tim has always believed in making the best of every of situation to achieve the best possible outcome. The many challenges of life whether in business or personal are always opportunities for growth and new beginnings.
A walk home, late one evening started a chain of events which changed his life forever. A serious fall that night led to a frightening sequence of events, a trip to A&E, vomiting dark matter, many scans, an initial diagnosis of a cancerous tumour, steroids, medication, and a stay in hospital for more tests to understand more about what happened that night. With time and expertise, the brain tumour was suspected to be a meningioma which are usually non-cancerous, but it had to be operated on as soon as possible.
Next was major brain surgery, the relief of the tumour being benign, and then a difficult and challenging path to recovery.
Tim began writing his book to offer hope and support to others.
As ever onwards and upwards!